Monday, September 20, 2010

this is me

note to self:

being who you are is all you have to do to be happy.  does that make sense? you should know that you are happiest when you are with people who like the same things and do the same things as you.  but what is that? you are an eco-friendly, fun and loving woman.  you will never turn away someone to be a friend because you try not to just judge people from first glance.  you are obsessed with tie-dye and until you get a head ache you usually have some sort of accessory (headband, clip, barrette...) in your hair.  you are all about the vintage look and styling it up but you also like to blend into the crowd so being caught just wearing shorts and a regular t is not very unusual.  you don't alway show your whole self to people. even your own family who has known you for twenty years does not know every secret you hold.  you love camping and if someone will listen you will probably bore their ears off with all the camping adventures you had as a kid.  you are in love with any type of road trips- short or long.  you sometimes wish the people around you were more spontaneous and would decide to make the weekend an adventure but i guess it makes the adventures we do take even more special since they are all the more rare.  you are a Christian but you struggle with that sometimes.  you try to do the right thing and you try to glorify the lord but you are human and you stumble [more than you care to admit].  but when you remember that God is God, it makes you smile. and smiling makes you happy.  and as said above: being who you are is all you have to do to be happy.

you know, just a note to self.

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