Sunday, September 5, 2010

a new day

note to self:

no longer will you think of the phrase "back to school" of being said from a very sad person who just got shot.  you are now going to think of  "back to school" being sung by the cast of glee.  you have decided that you are going to make this year different.  you have decided that instead of being walked all over and pushed down that you will branch out and do your own thing.  you have done a lot of soul searching this past year and you literally have just had enough.  you have just put up with everything for a little too long and now, being the strong and new you, you are going to march to your own drum.  who should be allowed to look at your life and criticize it? and even more than that, what gives them the power to affect you?  no more. you are done. you are new.

you know, just a note to self.

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